Thursday, 7 February 2013

What impact has there been on how the media institution now has to produce the texts and the way in which the texts/ products are distributed and exhibited? This should involve a detailed textual analysis of at least 3 texts to demonstrate the point.

Sony has adapted their console over the years, play station 2 and play station 3 are very different in various ways. One of the most obvious ways would be the online feature, PS3 allows you to use the internet and hence take a part in online gaming this facility was not available on the PS2.  There was a possible way to play online on the PS2 but it was very difficult. Another difference between the ps2 and ps3 is the amount of storage, the ability to store movies, music, photographs has meant the storage capacity has had to increase. Ps2 took external memory cards made by Sony which would hold just under 8mb of data whereas, the maximum hard drive capacity on a ps3 is up to 500gb. Ps2 controllers were restricted to a certain length however, PS3 offers wireless dualshock sisaxis controllers. Along with the console the games have also changed, games on PS2 offered no online functions whereas,  one of the main attractions about Ps3 games is the online game play. There has also been a major improvement in the graphics and realism in games. Along with all these changes the way games are distributed has also changed. Sony has taken full advantage of the internet, games are not only available on disk but also available online, through PSN [playst ation network].  The audience can now purchase games via playstation store which are then downloaded and stored on the hard drive. Games are still available the classic way on discs from retailers.

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