Friday, 1 February 2013

Black Mirror

I believe the writer of Black Mirror, Charlie Brooker, is showing the influence that social networking websites e.g. Twitter could have on a political decision, which goes to show the influence of new/digital media in the current world. The ransom video demanding the prime minister to have intercourse with a pig in order for the princess to be released went viral on the YouTube which is dominated by UGC.  Although the whole scenario may have just been a publicity stunt it invaded the prime minister’s privacy and how the public actually had the chance to give their opinion on the situation via a voting system showed the interactivity between the audience and the news. Smartphones were shown more as a negative influence as a certain reporter took inappropriate images and would send it to manipulate an individual in order to receive the latest news. It goes to show the lack of censorship that are on smartphones and questions the values of individuals. The live showing of the prime minister having intercourse with a pig was watched by most viewers on TV news channels which goes to showing that there is still a place for traditional media and shows the new feature of rolling 24 hour news. Many views tuned to watch this horrific act raises the question of desensitisation and how we as an audience are accepting viewing explicit images on a daily basis. 

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